Vitmains and Minerals for Increased Energy and Vitality

Vitamins and minerals can give you increase energy.
Everyone needs adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals to maintain good health and energy. However, specific nutrient deficiencies are connected with lowered energy levels and chronic fatigue. These nutrients are iron, magnesium, B12 and folic acid.


Iron is a vital mineral required for the production of hemoglobin, the component of red blood cells which carries oxygen and is necessary for creating energy. When the level of iron is too low, red blood cells are not carrying sufficient oxygen to the body, resulting in tiredness. When hemoglobin levels are too low, it results in anemia.

There are two different forms of iron: heme iron (found in animal sources) and non-heme iron (which is found in plant sources). Heme iron is absorbed more easily than non-heme iron, which explains why vegetarians generally have a higher risk for iron-deficiency anemia.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is required for the production of red blood cells (in conjunction with folic acid). Vitamin B12 aids the body in utilizing iron and is also needed for digestion, absorbing food, synthesizing protein, for metabolizing carbs and fats. It has often been observed that taking vitamin B12 (particularly injections) eliminates tiredness, even when there isn't a notable deficiency.

Vitamin B12 deficiencies are becoming more common because of declining B12 levels in food, more widespread use of antibiotics, and digestive issues. This is due to the fact that B12 is manufactured in the digestive tract in addition to being absorbed from foods. The people with the greatest risk of having a B12 deficiency are vegetarians and people who suffer from digestive problems.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is one of the B vitamins (also known as vitamin B9 or folate) and is required for the production of red blood cells. Folate deficiency can ultimately result in a condition known as megaloblastic anemia.

Tiredness is generally associated with both a folate deficiency and megaloblastic anaemia. Since folate is often destroyed through the cooking process, it is one of the more widespread vitamin deficiencies.

Warning: if folate is given to a person who is deficient in vitamin B12 and they don't take vitamin B12 at the same time, the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency (particularly neurological symptoms) may be masked. Only take a folate supplement once the possibility of a vitamin B12 deficiency has been eliminated.


Magnesium is required for the manufacture of ATP, the primary energy-producing molecule of the human body. Therefore, when we suffer from a magnesium deficiency, our body cells are less capable of creating energy which can result in chronic fatigue. It has been discovered that almost all people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome also have a magnesium deficiency, and approximately eighty percent of people get increased energy from taking a magnesium supplement. Magnesium is the most common mineral deficiency. Most people would likely benefit from a magnesium supplement, even if they haven't had their magnesium levels checked out.

Warning: if taking a magnesium supplement makes your symptoms worse (particularly cramping, muscle twitches and spasms), a calcium deficiency is more likely than a magnesium deficiency.

For more on vitamins, minerals, and energy see Is a Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency Making You Tired? (US News)

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